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At Oak Tree School we believe that every child should leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.

We aim to do this by:

  • Providing high quality taught curricular pathways which mean that students can develop skills, knowledge and attributes which will help them in the next phase of their education and in the world of work.

  • Ensuring academic rigour and high quality teaching on all of the curricular pathways so that students make strong progress outcomes significantly above the national average.

  • Providing a range of extra-curricular activities which build on and extend the taught curriculum so as to underpin success in education and employment.

  • Providing a programme of high quality, independent careers guidance from Year 8.

  • Drawing on strong links with local businesses and training organisations to provide students with inspirational experience of the workplace and contact with people working in different sectors of business.

Below is an overview of our provision against the above aims.

Foundation Stage Priorities:

  • Experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum

  • Developing strong English and maths skills (and narrowing any inherited gaps)

  • Developing attributes of resilience, problem-solving and pride in self-presentation

  • Awareness of their own strengths and aspirations and areas for development

Y9-11 Priorities:

  • Experiencing a high quality curriculum which stretches all students and prepares them for their future education/career aspirations

  • Further developing strong English and maths skills at the highest level (and narrowing any inherited gaps)

  • Awareness of their own strengths and aspirations and areas for development

  • Developing employability skills eg: CV and letter writing, interview skills, team working, communication and leadership

  • No students will be Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) at the end of Y11

NB: For details of our curriculum pathways, see our Curriculum Statement on the website.